My QSL list

№ | Station | Country (№) | kHz | Listening date


1 | NDR Hamburg | West Germany (1) | 6075 | 15.05.1959

2 | SBC Schwarzenburg | Switzerland (2) | 7210 | 02.06.1959

3 | R Vaticana | Vatican State (3) | 11865 | 02.06.1959

4 | R Nederland | Netherlands (4) | 11730 | 13.06.1959

5 | RIAS Berlin | West Berlin (5) | 6005 | 15.06.1959

6 | R Sofia | Bulgaria (6) | 9700 | 25.06.1959

7 | R Luxembourg | Luxembourg (7) | 6090 | 01.07.1959

8 | VOA Munich | West Germany | 15205 | 01.08.1959

9 | RNE Majadahonda FS | Spain (8) | 9369 | 31.10.1959

10 | R Norway | Norway (9) | 6130 | 08.11.1959

11 | Yleisradio Pori | Finland (10) | 6120 | 13.11.1959

12 | R Romina | Romania (11) | 5990 | 20.12.1959

13 | Andorradio | Andorra (12) | 6305 | 08.01.1960

14 | R Andorra | Andorra | 5972 | 23.01.1960

15 | BBC London | United Kingdom (13) | 11780 | 19.02.1960

16 | RTB Bruxelles-Wavre | Belgium (14) | 15280 | 22.02.1960

17 | R Sweden | Sweden (15) | 9620 | 27.02.1960

18 | Em Nacional | Portugal (16) | 17895 | 03.03.1960

19 | DW Köln-Jülich | West Germany | 15275 | 03.03.1960

20 | R Beograd | Yugoslavia (17) | 9515 | 04.04.1960

21 | Polskie R | Poland (18) | 9545 | 06.04.1960

22 | RFE Biblis | West Germany | 15185 | 18.04.1960

23 | R Monte Carlo | Monaco (19) | 7140 | 23.04.1960

24 | R Berlin International | East Germany (20) | 9730 | 24.04.1960

25 | Rozglosnia Harcerska | Poland | 6850 | 24.04.1960

26 | R Moscow | Soviet Union (21) | 41 mb | 25.04.1960

27 | ÖRF Moosbrunn | Austria (22) | 5985 | 28.04.1960

28 | R Budapest | Hungary (23) | 9833 | 12.06.1960

29 | RTF Allouis | France (24) | 6175 | 07.08.1960

30 | R Liberty, Lampertheim | West Germany | 11765 | 22.11.1960

31 | VOA BBC | United Kingdom | 11830 | 19.12.1960

32 | TWR Monaco | Monaco | 11865 | 11.02.1961

33 | Süddeutsche Rf | West Germany | 6030 | 25.02.1961

34 | R Prag | Czechoslovakia (25) | 6055 | 04.06.1961

35 | RAI Roma | Italy (26) | 9575 | 03.11.1961

36 | Istambul Tekn Universitesi R | Turkey | 6285 | 03.11.1961

37 | Bayerische Rf | West Germany | 6080 | 01.03.1962

38 | R Denmark | Denmark (27) | 15165 | 17.03.1962

39 | R Bremen | West Germany | 6195 | 24.03.1962

40 | R Tirana | Albania (28) | 7090 | 09.10.1962

41 | LV Madrid | Spain | 1079 | 31.10.1964

42 | R España de Barcelona | Spain | 1124 | 24.01.1965

43 | LV Granada | Spain | 1385 | 14.05.1965

44 | R Córdoba | Spain | 1376 | 20.09.1965

45 | RP Sevilla | Spain | 1097 | 21.09.1965

46 | LV Cantabria | Spain | 1358 | 23.09.1965

47 | R Barcelona | Spain | 1080 | 03.11.1965

48 | RNE Murcia | Spain | 854 | 09.11.1965

49 | LV Sindical | Spain | 1385 | 09.11.1965

50 | LV Andalucia | Spain | 6280 | 11.01.1966

51 | Em Reg dos Acores | Azores (29) | 4865 | 11.12.1966

52 | R Zaragoza | Spain | 872 | 09.03.1967

53 | R Barcelona | Spain | 827 | 29.03.1967

54 | R Cl Português | Portugal | 1034 | 29.03.1967

55 | R Valencia | Spain | 1259 | 05.04.1967

56 | RNE Madrid HS | Spain | 1223 | 01.07.1967

57 | R San Sebastian | Spain | 1025 | 24.09.1967

58 | RJ LV Huelva | Spain | 836 | 07.10.1967

59 | Südwestfunk | West Germany | 7265 | 09.10.1967

60 | R Coruña | Spain | 1106 | 29.10.1967

61 | RJ Murcia | Spain | 1133 | 31.10.1967

62 | R Peninsular Sevilla | Spain | 1313 | 13.11.1967

63 | R Manresa | Spain | 1106 | 29.11.1967

64 | LV Extremadura | Spain | 1133 | 27.12.1967

65 | RJ Malaga | Spain | 1133 | 19.03.1968

66 | R Telfis Eireann | Ireland (30) | 566 | 19.12.1970

67 | BFBS Malta | Malta (31) | 1430 | 27.12.1970

68 | Ríkisútvarpid | Iceland (32) | 13797 | 16.12.1984

69 | Utvarp Foroya | Faroe Islands (33) | 531 | 03.01.1987

70 | Slovak R | Slovakia (34) | 17535 | 12.02.1994

71 | R TV Slovenija | Slovenia (35) | 918 | 18.01.2011

72 | R Merkurs | Latvia (36) | 1485 | 25.10.2012

73 | VOR Bolshakovo | Kaliningrad (37) | 1215 | 17.04.2013

74 | TWR Tartu | Estonia (38) | 1035 | 27.04.2013

75 | TWR Grigoriopol | Moldova (39) | 999 | 07.05.2013

76 | R Belarus | Belarus (40) | 7255 | 27.04.2013

77 | R Liberty Sitkunai | Lithuania (41) | 612 | 28.04.2014

78 | Int R Serbia, Bijeljina | Bosnia-Hercegovina (42) | 6100 | 18.05.2015

EU: 78 stations, 42 countries


1 | UAR BS Cairo | Egypt (1) | 17915 | 16.06.1959

2 | IBRA Tangier | Morocco (2) | 11507 | 19.06.1959

3 | VOA Tangier | Morocco | 9620 | 23.06.1959

4 | R Brazzaville | Congo (3) | 11930 | 30.07.1959

5 | R Congo Belge | Congo Dem Rep (4) | 9380 | 11.10.1959

6 | R Omdurman | Sudan (5) | 11855 | 19.01.1960

7 | Rdiff Congolaise FS | Congo Dem Rep | 11755 | 22.03.1960

8 | SABC Paradys | South Africa (6) | 15200 | 16.04.1960

9 | R Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan | Ivory Coast (7) | 7215 | 02.07.1960

10 | R Senegal | Senegal (8) | 7210 | 29.10.1960

11 | ELWA Monrovia | Liberia (9) | 15085 | 30.10.1960

12 | R Santa Isabel | Equatorial Guinea (10) | 6240 | 29.11.1960

13 | R Katanga | Katanga (11) | 11866 | 16.01.1961

14 | Rdif Marocaine | Morocco | 11735 | 13.02.1961

15 | R Barlavento | Cape Verde (12) | 3950 | 02.04.1961

16 | Nigerian BC HS | Nigeria (13) | 4990 | 03.04.1961

17 | Liberian BC | Liberia | 3255 | 08.04.1961

18 | Em Official, Luanda | Angola (14) | 17705 | 22.04.1961

19 | Kenya BS | Kenya (15) | 4885 | 19.06.1961

20 | Tanganyika BS | Tanzania (16) | 5050 | 25.06.1961

21 | R Congo Brazzaville | Congo | 4843 | 21.07.1961

22 | Ghana BS | Ghana (17) | 3366 | 05.08.1961

23 | Eastern Nigeria BS | Nigeria | 4855 | 17.08.1961

24 | R Dahomey, Cotonou | Dahomey (18) | 4870 | 02.12.1961

25 | Federal BC, Lusaka | Zambia (19) | 4911 | 01.01.1962

26 | Emissora da Guinee, Bissau | Guinea-Bissau (20) | 7948 | 27.01.1962

27 | France V Alger | Algeria (21) | 11835 | 25.02.1962

28 | R Togo, Lomé | Togo (22) | 5047 | 01.06.1962

29 | Uganda BS | Uganda (23) | 3340 | 02.07.1962

30 | R Cl Mocambique | Mozambique (24) | 4924 | 28.07.1962

31 | Sierra Leone BS | Sierra Leone (25) | 3316 | 02.11.1962

32 | R Ecuatorial, Bata | Equatorial Guinea | 7850 | 23.11.1962

33 | R Tchad | Chad (26) | 4904 | 10.12.1962

34 | R Bangui | Central African Rep (27) | 5035 | 08.06.1963

35 | R Mauretanie | Mauritania (28) | 3222 | 21.03.1964

36 | RVOG Addis Abeba | Ethiopia (29) | 9765 | 09.08.1964

37 | RNE Canarias | Canary Islands (30) | 9660 | 18.04.1965

38 | Rdiff Malgache | Madagaskar (31) | 15270 | 12.10.1965

39 | DW Kigali | Rwanda (32) | 17770 | 22.10.1965

40 | R Gabon | Gabon (33) | 4777 | 23.10.1965

41 | Mauritius BS | Mauritius (34) | 4850 | 19.12.1965

42 | BBC Ascension | Ascension (35) | 15350 | 20.07.1966

43 | R Ouagadougou | Burkina Faso (36) | 4815 | 07.09.1966

44 | R Cl Mindelo | Cape Verde | 4715 | 06.10.1966

45 | R Cl de São Tomé | Sao Tome & Principe (37) | 4807 | 19.05.1967

46 | R CORDAC | Burundi (38) | 4920 | 31.05.1967

47 | R Rwanda | Rwanda | 6055 | 01.06.1967

48 | R Ethiopia | Ethiopia | 6185 | 25.06.1967

49 | R Yaounde | Cameroon (39) | 4972 | 10.07.1967

50 | R Cl Angola | Angola | 4867 | 07.12.1967

51 | VOA Monrovia | Liberia | 7175 | 08.12.1967

52 | NBC Ibadan | Nigeria | 3204 | 31.12.1967

53 | R Cl Cabo Verde | Cape Verde | 3883 | 27.03.1968

54 | Rhodesia BC, Gwelo | Zimbabwe (40) | 3396 | 19.04.1968

55 | ORTF Moroni | Comoros (41) | 3331 | 12.05.1968

56 | RTV Nigerienne | Niger (42) | 3260 | 12.10.1968

57 | R Cl Cuanza-Sul | Angola | 4840 | 18.11.1968

58 | R Mali | Mali (43) | 4835 | 02.02.1969

59 | Malawi BC | Malawi (44) | 3380 | 11.02.1969

60 | Nigerian BC, Benin | Nigeria | 4932 | 15.02.1969

61 | ORTF Reunion | Reunion (45) | 4807 | 27.04.1969

62 | R TV Tunisienne | Tunisia (46) | 962 | 14.12.1969

63 | R RSA Bloemendaal | South Africa | 15175 | 18.03.1970

64 | FEBA Sychelles | Seychelles (47) | 15185 | 01.04.1970

65 | R Botswana | Botswana (48) | 4845 | 30.05.1971

66 | R Cl Huambo | Angola | 5060 | 31.05.1971

67 | Libyan BS | Libya (49) | 1124 | 28.06.1971

68 | R Nigeria, Maiduguri | Nigeria | 4900 | 16.10.1971

69 | R Cl Malanje | Angola | 4967 | 30.10.1971

70 | R Gambia | Gambia (50) | 4820 | 29.04.1972

71 | R Nigeria, Calabar | Nigeria | 6144 | 15.08.1972

72 | V of Nigeria FS | Nigeria | 15119 | 26.01.1973

73 | R Buea | Cameroon | 3970 | 24.10.1973

74 | R Cl Lobito | Angola | 4937 | 27.12.1973

75 | R Garoua | Cameroon | 5010 | 13.01.1974

76 | R Cl Moxico | Angola | 5076 | 28.01.1974

77 | R Nigeria, Enugu | Nigeria | 6025 | 28.06.1974

78 | ORTF Djibouti | Djibouti (51) | 4780 | 16.09.1974

79 | R Sáhara | Spanish Sahara (52) | 11805 | 21.12.1974

80 | Swazi MusicRadio | Swaziland (53) | 4980 | 10.03.1975

81 | R Commercial de Angola | Angola | 4794 | 02.05.1975

82 | TWR Swaziland | Swaziland | 3240 | 09.05.1975

83 | R Mogadishu | Somalia (54) | 9586 | 25.11.1975

84 | R Lesotho | Lesotho (55) | 4800 | 27.12.1980

85 | R SWA | Namibia (56) | 3270 | 09.01.1985

86 | R St Helena | Saint Helena (57) | 11092 | 27.10.1996

AF: 86 stations, 57 countries


1 | R Peking | China (1) | 15095 | 30.05.1959

2 | Israel BS | Israel (2) | 9009 | 24.06.1959

3 | R Japan | Japan (3) | 15325 | 27.07.1959

4 | R Ankara | Turkey (4) | 15160 | 01.08.1959

5 | R Pakistan | Pakistan (5) | 11674 | 04.08.1959

6 | R Tehran | Iran (6) | 15100 | 22.08.1959

7 | R Ceylon | Sri Lanka (7) | 9520 | 09.11.1959

8 | BBC FES Tebrau | Western Malaysia (8) | 9690 | 24.03.1960

9 | R Kabul | Afghanistan (9) | 9705 | 13.04.1960

10 | VOA Colombo | Sri Lanka | 11835 | 22.04.1960

11 | AIR Delhi FS | India (10) | 11710 | 14.05.1960

12 | V of Vietnam | North Vietnam (11) | 15020 | 25.08.1960

13 | VOA Rhodes | Greece (12) | 11760 | 21.09.1960

14 | Lebanese BS | Lebanon (13) | 8036 | 08.10.1960

15 | VOA Okinawa | Ryu Kyu Islands (14) | 7160 | 17.10.1960

16 | R Korea | South Korea (15) | 9640 | 21.12.1960

17 | Burma BS Rangoon | Burma (16) | 6015 | 07.02.1961

18 | R Baghdad | Iraq (17) | 6030 | 18.02.1961

19 | Hashemite BS Amman | Jordan (18) | 7155 | 26.02.1961

20 | V of Free China | Taiwan (19) | 9660 | 25.03.1961

21 | UARBS Damascus | Syria (20) | 15165 | 22.04.1961

22 | R Thailand | Thailand (21) | 11910 | 19.09.1961

23 | Nihon SW BC | Japan | 3925 | 07.10.1961

24 | R Sarawak | Sarawak (22) | 4950 | 18.10.1961

25 | R Hong Kong | Hong Kong (23) | 4940 | 30.12.1961

26 | R Laos | Laos (24) | 6150 | 27.01.1962

27 | R Pyongyang | North Korea (25) | 6250 | 27.01.1962

28 | RRI Djakarta FS | Indonesia (26) | 11710 | 03.03.1962

29 | Kuwait BS | Kuwait (27) | 4967 | 17.03.1962

30 | FEBC Manila | Philippines (28) | 17815 | 31.05.1962

31 | Thai Television | Thailand | 5100 | 26.12.1962

32 | RKB Mainichi BC | Japan | 1270 | 10.12.1965

33 | Far East Network, Tokyo | Japan | 3910 | 29.12.1965

34 | R Ulan Bator | Mongolia (29) | 4085 | 18.02.1966

35 | R Tabriz | Iran | 6245 | 26.03.1966

36 | BBC Cyprus | Cyprus (30) | 15420 | 16.07.1966

37 | R Singapura | Singapore (31) | 5052 | 25.09.1966

38 | VTVN Saigon | South Vietnam (32) | 4877 | 05.10.1966

39 | R Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur | Western Malaysia | 4985 | 15.09.1967

40 | RRI Padang | Indonesia | 3960 | 10.10.1967

41 | RRI Pakanbaru | Indonesia | 5955 | 19.10.1967

42 | R Nepal | Nepal (33) | 7105 | 15.11.1967

43 | R Kashmir, Srinagar | India | 3277 | 13.04.1968

44 | Maldive Islands BS | Maldives (34) | 4740 | 23.07.1968

45 | RRI Bukittinggi | Indonesia | 4908 | 18.09.1968

46 | RRI Palembang | Indonesia | 4856 | 28.09.1968

47 | R Brunei | Brunei (35) | 4863 | 29.09.1968

48 | BFBS Singapore | Singapore | 5010 | 18.10.1968

49 | RRI Jogjakarta | Indonesia | 5047 | 22.10.1968

50 | RRI Semarang | Indonesia | 3936 | 14.11.1968

51 | RRI Surabaja | Indonesia | 3974 | 17.11.1968

52 | VOA Poro | Philippines | 9555 | 27.11.1968

53 | R Angkatan Udara RI | Indonesia | 11903 | 07.12.1968

54 | RRI Djambi | Indonesia | 4927 | 29.12.1968

55 | RRI Banda Atjeh | Indonesia | 4955 | 19.03.1969

56 | Qatar BS | Qatar (36) | 9570 | 13.04.1969

57 | Philippine BS | Philippines | 6170 | 15.09.1969

58 | RRI Surakarta | Indonesia | 4932 | 15.10.1969

59 | BBC Masirah | Oman (37) | 1410 | 18.11.1969

60 | R Pakistan, Dacca | Bangladesh (38) | 11650 | 21.11.1969

61 | V of Philippines | Philippines | 9580 | 16.12.1969

62 | Saudi Arabian BC | Saudi Arabia (39) | 11855 | 17.12.1969

63 | AIR Gauhati | India | 3235 | 16.02.1971

64 | Abu Dhabi BS | United Arab Emirates (40) | 4988 | 13.03.1971

65 | V of Righteousness | Taiwan | 7200 | 26.02.1972

66 | R Malaysia, Sabah | Eastern Malaysia (41) | 4970 | 25.09.1972

67 | AFNT Taipei | Taiwan | 7215 | 25.09.1972

68 | RRI Mataram | Indonesia | 3223 | 12.10.1972

69 | RRI Menado | Indonesia | 5987 | 12.10.1972

70 | RRI Ambon | Indonesia | 4839 | 30.01.1973

71 | RRI Denpasar | Indonesia | 3945 | 14.03.1973

72 | RRI Ujung Pandang | Indonesia | 4719 | 22.09.1973

73 | R Khusus Informasi Pertanjan | Indonesia | 4698 | 24.09.1973

74 | RRI Palangka Raya | Indonesia | 4920 | 25.09.1973

75 | R Gelora, Surabaya | Indonesia | 3165 | 30.09.1973

76 | RRI Medan | Indonesia | 4765 | 01.01.1974

77 | DYBS Aden | Yemen (42) | 5060 | 28.01.1974

78 | R Universitas Gadjah Mada | Indonesia | 5491 | 22.02.1974

79 | RPD Simalungun | Indonesia | 4650 | 28.08.1974

80 | RKPDK Jombang | Indonesia | 3475 | 05.09.1974

81 | RPD Sidoarjo | Indonesia | 3893 | 02.11.1975

82 | UNR/Bhutan BS | Bhutan (43) | 5030 | 10.03.1994

83 | RRI Ternate | Indonesia | 3345 | 25.12.1996

84 | AFN Diego Garcia | British IOT (44) | 12578 | 04.10.2000

85 | V of Russia Dushambe | Tajikistan (45) | 4965 | 05.11.2001

86 | AIR Port Blair | Andaman Isl (46) | 4760 | 04.03.2003

87 | DW Alma Ata | Kazakhstan (47) | 17485 | 15.09.2003

88 | V of Russia Gavar | Armenia (48) | 9900 | 31.08.2012

89 | TWR Bishek | Kyrgyzstan (49) | 1467 | 19.04.2013

90 | R Japan Tashkent | Uzbekistan (50) | 15735 | 17.05.2013

AS: 90 stations, 50 countries


1 | R Australia | Australia (1) | 11740 | 02.09.1959

2 | VOA Honolulu | Hawaii (2) | 11765 | 28.08.1960

3 | R New Zealand | New Zealand (3) | 9540 | 05.01.1963

4 | ABC Port Moresby | Papua New Guinea (4) | 4890 | 29.12.1963

5 | ABCLyndhurst HS | Australia | 6150 | 30.11.1966

6 | ABC Brisbane | Australia | 4920 | 11.10.1967

7 | ABC Perth | Australia | 6140 | 01.10.1968

8 | R Wewak | Papua New Guinea | 3335 | 19.11.1968

9 | R Rabaul | Papua New Guinea | 3385 | 24.11.1968

10 | ORTF Noumea | New Caledonia (5) | 7170 | 28.11.1968

11 | R Tahiti | Society Islands (6) | 11825 | 17.12.1969

12 | R Australia Darwin | Australia | 6050 | 16.01.1970

13 | R Bougainville | Papua New Guinea | 3322 | 17.01.1971

14 | Solomon Islands BS | Solomon Islands (7) | 7235 | 24.11.1971

15 | R Australia Lyndhurst | Australia | 15295 | 24.02.1972

16 | RRI Jayapura | Indonesia | 3905 | 19.10.1973

17 | RRI Sorong | Indonesia | 4872 | 08.11.1975

18 | KTWR Agana | Guam (8) | 11840 | 06.12.1980

19 | R Vanuatu | Vanuatu (9) | 7260 | 03.12.1984

20 | ABC Tennant Creek | Australia | 2325 | 14.08.1988

21 | ABC Alice Springs | Australia | 2310 | 15.08.1988

22 | ABC Katherine | Australia | 2485 | 16.08.1988

23 | KYOI Saipan | Northern Mariana Isl (10) | 11900 | 30.03.1989

24 | V of Hope, Palau | Palau (11) | 9965 | 12.05.1996

25 | R Manus | Papua New Guinea | 3315 | 25.12.1996

26 | R Sandaun | Papua New Guinea | 3205 | 25.12.1996

27 | R Reading Service, Levin | New Zealand | 3935 | 31.12.1996

28 | PMA Pohnpei | Micronesia (12) | 4755 | 29.12.2012

PAC: 28 stations, 12 countries

North America

1 | AFRS / WBOU | USA (1) | 15270 | 20.06.1959

2 | AFRTS LA | USA | 17815 | 22.05.1960

3 | WRUL Boston | USA | 17750 | 14.10.1960

4 | VOA /KNBH | USA | 6040 | 18.12.1960

5 | R Canada | Canada (2) | 11720 | 25.02.1961

6 | WINB Red Lion | USA | 11785 | 27.12.1962

7 | CBH Halifax | Canada | 860 | 01.11.1964

8 | CJCB Sydney | Canada | 1270 | 06.01.1965

9 | CJLR Quebec | Canada | 1060 | 06.01.1965

10 | WCAU Philadelphia | USA | 1310 | 06.01.1965

11 | WNEW New York | USA | 1130 | 06.01.1965

12 | WEZE Boston | USA | 1260 | 06.01.1965

13 | CHSM Steinbach | Canada | 1250 | 14.09.1965

14 | CFCN Calgary | Canada | 1060 | 10.10.1965

15 | WWTC Minneapolis | USA | 1280 | 17.10.1965

16 | CBR Calgary | Canada | 1010 | 02.11.1965

17 | WHN New York | USA | 1050 | 13.11.1965

18 | CKOY Ottawa | Canada | 1310 | 18.11.1965

19 | WERE Cleveland | USA | 1300 | 19.11.1965

20 | WOWO Ft Wayne | USA | 1270 | 19.11.1965

21 | ORTF St Pierre et Miquelon | St Pierre & Miquelon (3) | 1375 | 15.12.1965

22 | KGEI San Francisco | USA | 15240 | 07.04.1966

23 | WBZ Boston | USA | 1030 | 23.10.1966

24 | KMOX St Louis | USA | 1120 | 18.11.1966

25 | CFRX Toronto | Canada | 6070 | 04.12.1969

26 | CHNX Halifax | Canada | 6130 | 04.12.1969

27 | Grönlands Radio | Greenland (4) | 5960 | 14.02.1970

28 | KOTA Rapid City | USA | 1380 | 23.02.1970

29 | CKBC Bathurst | Canada | 1360 | 11.01.1971

30 | KNLS Anchor Point | Alaska (5) | 9540 | 03.03.1985

NA: 30 stations, 5 countries

Central America

1 | LV Dominicana | Dominican Republic (1) | 5970 | 04.03.1960

2 | WIBS St George’s | Grenada (2) | 15085 | 20.03.1960

3 | R Haïti | Haiti (3) | 6200 | 26.08.1960

4 | R Caribe | Dominican Republic | 6210 | 24.09.1960

5 | XEWW LV América Latina | Mexico (4) | 9500 | 12.03.1961

6 | LV Victor, San Jose | Costa Rica (5) | 9615 | 25.08.1961

7 | RTF Martinique | Martinique (6) | 3315 | 26.11.1961

8 | Barbados Rediffusion Sce | Barbados (7) | 7547 | 10.03.1962

9 | R Habana Cuba | Cuba (8) | 15290 | 24.03.1962

10 | R Americas | Swan Islands (9) | 6000 | 15.04.1962

11 | Faro del Caribe | Costa Rica | 9645 | 15.07.1962

12 | TWR Bonaire | Bonaire (10) | 15245 | 03.10.1965

13 | PJD2 St Maarten | Sint Maarten (11) | 1295 | 26.10.1965

14 | WIVV Viequez Is | Puerto Rico (12) | 1370 | 10.11.1965

15 | R Reloj | Costa Rica | 6206 | 20.09.1966

16 | R HIN | Dominican Republic | 4910 | 09.03.1967

17 | 4VEH | Haiti | 11837 | 14.05.1968

18 | Rdif Nacional de Nicaragua | Nicaragua (13) | 11874 | 20.05.1969

19 | R México | Mexico | 11718 | 18.11.1969

20 | R Nac El Salvador | El Salvador (14) | 5980 | 03.04.1970

21 | LV Fuerzas Armadas | Dominican Republic | 4825 | 01.01.1971

22 | R Nederland, Bonaire | Bonaire | 15390 | 10.01.1971

23 | LV Evangelica | Honduras (15) | 4820 | 12.03.1971

24 | TGNA R Cultural | Guatemala (16) | 9505 | 16.05.1971

25 | R Progreso | Honduras | 4920 | 19.09.1973

26 | Caribbean Beacon | Anguilla (17) | 6090 | 19.01.1997

27 | DW Antigua | Antigua (18) | 17765 | 02.03.2003

28 | R Verdad | Guatemala | 4055 | 27.08.2012

29 | WDHP Christiansted | US Virgin Islands (19) | 1620 | 26.11.2012

30 | ZNS Nassau | Bahamas (20) | 1540 | 21.11.2013

CA: 30 stations, 20 countries

South America

1 | HCJB Quito | Ecuador (1) | 11915 | 18.10.1959

2 | R Nacional, Rio | Brazil (2) | 6147 | 24.10.1959

3 | R Globo, Rio | Brazil | 6035 | 16.01.1960

4 | R Rural | Brazil | 15105 | 20.01.1960

5 | R Mayrink Veiga | Brazil | 11775 | 22.01.1960

6 | R Farroupilha, Pto Alegre | Brazil | 15335 | 16.03.1960

7 | R Guaiba | Brazil | 5965 | 08.10.1960

8 | R Rumbos | Venezuela (3) | 4970 | 03.04.1961

9 | LV Patria, Caracas | Venezuela | 3305 | 03.04.1961

10 | LV Bogota | Colombia (4) | 5960 | 14.08.1961

11 | Em Nueva Granada | Colombia | 6160 | 14.08.1961

12 | R Cooperativa Vitalicia | Chile (5) | 11900 | 04.09.1961

13 | Rdif Nacional del Ecuador | Ecuador | 4940 | 22.10.1961

14 | R Demerara | Guyana (6) | 3265 | 15.04.1962

15 | R Dragão do Mar, Fortaleza | Brazil | 4775 | 23.04.1962

16 | R Sutatenza | Colombia | 5075 | 30.04.1962

17 | R América, Lima | Peru (7) | 9450 | 06.05.1962

18 | R Atlántida, Iquitos | Peru | 9635 | 31.05.1962

19 | AVROS Surinam | Surinam (8) | 15465 | 13.06.1962

20 | R Soc Feira de Santana | Brazil | 4765 | 26.08.1962

21 | R Cl Goiânia, Goias | Brazil | 11735 | 09.07.1963

22 | R Bandeirantes | Brazil | 6185 | 12.10.1963

23 | LV Anserma / Tropical | Venezuela | 4870 | 22.10.1963

24 | R Del Pueblo, Buenos Aires | Argentina (9) | 1350 | 14.12.1963

25 | R Santa Fé, Bogotá | Colombia | 4965 | 30.01.1964

26 | Em Gran Colombia | Ecuador | 4910 | 24.03.1964

27 | R Timbira, São Luiz | Brazil | 4975 | 02.04.1964

28 | R Corporación | Chile | 9500 | 16.04.1964

29 | R Universidad de Arequipa | Peru | 6240 | 26.04.1964

30 | RAE Buenos Aires | Argentina | 9690 | 01.05.1964

31 | R Quito | Ecuador | 4923 | 04.06.1964

32 | Ecos del Torbes | Venezuela | 4980 | 10.01.1965

33 | R Barquisimeto | Venezuela | 4990 | 13.04.1965

34 | LV Patria, Barranquilla | Colombia | 1310 | 18.04.1965

35 | Rdif Venezuela | Venezuela | 4890 | 18.04.1965

36 | El Espectador, Montevideo | Uruguay (10) | 11835 | 27.12.1965

37 | R Teleco | Paraguay (11) | 11850 | 13.04.1966

38 | R Soc Nac Mineria | Chile | 11960 | 13.04.1966

39 | R Neiva | Colombia | 4855 | 23.04.1966

40 | R Rio Mar | Brazil | 9695 | 06.05.1966

41 | R Cult Araraquara | Brazil | 4915 | 05.07.1966

42 | R La Cruz del Sur | Bolivia (12) | 4985 | 31.07.1966

43 | R Bolívar | Venezuela | 4770 | 03.09.1966

44 | LV Táchira | Venezuela | 4830 | 13.10.1966

45 | R Santa Cruz | Bolivia | 6139 | 01.06.1967

46 | R Congonhas | Brazil | 4795 | 03.09.1967

47 | R Inconfidência | Brazil | 6000 | 26.11.1967

48 | R TV Gaucha | Brazil | 11915 | 11.03.1968

49 | Ondas del Meta | Colombia | 4885 | 14.03.1968

50 | Transmisora Caldas | Colombia | 5027 | 19.03.1968

51 | R Aparecida | Brazil | 9635 | 23.03.1968

52 | LV Chile | Chile | 9690 | 27.03.1968

53 | R Cenit, Bahía de Caraquez | Ecuador | 4865 | 09.11.1968

54 | R Reloj, Bogota | Colombia | 4795 | 16.11.1968

55 | Emissora Rural | Brazil | 5027 | 20.04.1969

56 | Remisoras Bolivia | Bolivia | 4755 | 25.06.1969

57 | Rdif Casa de la Cultura | Ecuador | 4840 | 26.07.1969

58 | ORTF Cayenne | French Guiana (13) | 3385 | 28.03.1970

59 | CRE Guayaquil | Ecuador | 4650 | 01.04.1970

60 | R Fides, La Paz | Bolivia | 4845 | 22.01.1971

61 | R Del Pacífico, Lima | Peru | 4975 | 20.03.1971

62 | R Nac Brasilia | Brazil | 15445 | 23.03.1971

63 | Emisora Atlántico | Colombia | 4905 | 28.03.1971

64 | R Nac Colombia | Colombia | 4955 | 01.04.1971

65 | R Qollasuyo | Peru | 3250 | 14.04.1971

66 | R Difusora La Convención | Peru | 3335 | 19.04.1971

67 | Em Pio XII | Bolivia | 5961 | 08.05.1971

68 | Emisoras Paraguay | Paraguay | 6015 | 18.05.1971

69 | R Juventud | Venezuela | 4900 | 19.12.1973

70 | R Quillabamba | Peru | 5025 | 26.05.1974

71 | Em Voz del Úpano | Ecuador | 5039 | 04.09.1986

72 | R Luz y Vida, Loja | Ecuador | 4851 | 18.03.1987

73 | R Esperanza | Chile | 6090 | 14.01.1997

74 | R La Hora | Peru | 4855 | 03.01.2003

SA: 74 stations, 13 countries


1 | R Nac Arcangel San Gabriel | Antarctic (1) | 15476 | 29.08.1996

AN: 1 station, 1 country

Altogether 417 stations, 200 radio countries